Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Of Fitness (mental, physical, spiritual, etc...)

As an athlete (or so I like to think), somewhat of a scholar, and mostly-active religion-practicioner I have come to relieze through my own experiences and through the sound of "The Biggest Loser" coming from the next room the infallibility of fitness as a self-perpetuating motivational tool that promotes excellence. Fitness however does not simply refer to having low blood pressure or being able to run a sub-8 minute mile, but rather the proficiency in a field that can lead to a deep sense of fulfillment in society as well as in oneself. The three most foremost fields of fitness that come to mind are mental, physical, and spiritual fitness.

In terms of physical fitness, as in any other kind, goals are varied greatly depending on the individual's desires. An example that relates directly to me, a sprinter in pre-season track training, an hard workout followed by an honest day's work in the weightroom lead to a sense of self-fulfillment knowing that I am improving my own abilities as a runner, and this increase in personal physical fitness has societal benefits because I am helping to encourage the members of my relay team to do the same, as they inspire me so that we might work toward our common goal of earning All-American honors.

Doing homework (GASP!), crosswords, sudoko, debating, conversing, reading, or simply thinking to oneself are all ways to increase mental fitness by creating new connections of neurons in the brain to allow for the flow of new stimulating ideas to pass through one's mind. These new ideas in one's own mind can be used in society by politicians and lawmakers in crafting new effective policies, by authors in the writing of interesting enlightening works and by teachers to better instruct their pupils on the subject matter that will shape them as citizens of tomorrow.

Spiritual fitness whether it be through organized religion or personal practice can enhance both physical and mental fitness because it can offer motivation to offer one's gifts up to a greater good or to improve one's relations with the world around them the best they can. Spiritual fitness is best attained through personal prayer, meditation, reflection coupled with community practice and sharing of ideas to spread messages of peace and love. Spiritual fitness should not be mistaken for self proclaimed "Good-(insert religious group)" because Spiritual fitness transcends religion, and while may be incorporated into a particular faith as it is with my own, does not make one worship better than another. That is a doctrinal argument, not a spiritual argument.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Thanks to a comment a recently recieved from one of the more talented authors I'm blessed with having the acquiantence of I feel it necessary to comment on 'Impossible'. Allow me to reference Webster's New World Dictionary to give a clear definition of the word...

DISCLAIMER--In a future post I will be bashing Webster's so please don't place inordinate amounts of trust in their definitions for the time being.

"Impossible- adj. 1 not capable of being,
being done, or happening 2 not capable of being endured, used, etc. because disagreeable or unsuitable"
--Webster's New World Dictionary

By definition it is impossible for me for survive on the surface of the moon without a suit and helmet to provide me with some basic necessities to keep me alive because there is nearly no air on the surface of the moon, one of the essential substances needed for human survival. Also by definition, a fish cannot live for extended periods of time on land because fish process oxygen from water through gills, and without water, the gills are rendered ineffective.

On this post I will provide a list of occurances I view to be Impossible, and I beckon you my beloved readers to challenge these ideas by leaving a comment beginning with the impossibility you've chosen to refute followed by your argument through any physical, philosophical, or logical means you might think of.

Why would I want to create a forum that seems to be such a waste of time while there are zillions of other possible, achievable, and greatly-needed goals floating around that could be accomplished in the time that I spend on this blog frivolously disputing such trivial matters, you might ask? Because some day I may do something important with my life, or with this blog, and what I do or what I post might someday be relevent. The purpose of this post is to give you, my beloved readers, the opportunity to test my credibility and ability to take a stance and defend my point of view, so if someday we are engaged in another argument, an important relevent argument, we need not waste time on the nonsense of questioning each other's aptitude.

This list will grow over time so check back as often as you'd like, and feel free to provide suggestions of impossibilities to be added onto the list.


1.Please be mature and respectful

2. "Anything is possible with God" is not a valid answer

3. Be prepared to defend your statements with facts and sources


  • For an earthling to reach another galaxy in the foreseeable future

  • For the human race to affect the course of the solar system

  • 2+2=5
  • To stop the sun from setting
  • To be raining on me, while simultaneuously not be raining on me

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

of Profit Motive


Q:Why did the entreprenuer start a blog?
A: There was money to be made in advertisments...

Ingenuity on Google's part, offering the option for bloggers to earn revenue by giving consent to having spam posted on the sidebars and under posts. The more clicks someone recieves, the more money they earn from the advertizers.

It is at this crossroads between selling-out and staying true to my "individually mass-produced" blogger's roots. Do I hinder my reader's progression through my blog by allowing you to be assaulted with advertisments for my own good, advertisments I myself cannot click on to earn my revenue, as stated in the terms of the Ad-sense contract, or do I leave you with the false sense of genuinity in the fact that I myself am not allowing such shameless commercialism (despite the fact that I am piggybacking on a company whose individual share price has hovered around $500 the past few years)?

Today my blog is not monetized. Nor will it be tomorrow. Or the next day. But if the future gives me an opportunity to allow Ad-Sense to decorate my blog then I humbly ask, for Revenue's sake, click on my ads, please. For without you, my most beloved readers, not only is this page a waste of unviewed translated HTML, but also a lack of profitable venture for myself.

In the meantime I'll be subconciously weighing the marginal benefits and marginal costs of Monetizing every time I add a new post, and am tempting with the "Monetize" tab, and I hope you look upon me with economist's eyes and an over-active mouse finger if ever on my blog you are faced with the option to:


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

of Embarrassment.

Whether the venue be a classroom, a forum, or a sporting event, embarrassment is nearly always the greatest separator of the talented and the lame. When faced with a moment of embarrassment such as the announcement of a poor test performance before a room full of peers and classmates or a defender's ankles being ''broken'' on the court; the recipient of such mortification is presented with two options: improve of refrain.

Obviously improvement is not possible for everyone all the time, for example, at six feet in height, I am unlikely to improve my abilities as a jockey to any semblance of respectability, but if I study the required material for Spanish class more than I currently have been, it is likely that I will improve my proficiency in the use of such substance, at least to a point so to improve my grade if no level of fluency is achieved.

Choosing one option of handling self-conscioussness over the other is a matter of personal choice that if chosen incorrectly could result in further embarrassment. To re-use the previous examples, if I were stubborn and chose to stick with my hobby of jockeying despite having never sat in a saddle in my life, I would most likely exhibit an ineptitude unparalleled in any field of jockeys, and if I choose to tranfser out of my fourth year of Spanish class, which my skills have earned me membership to Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica (Spanish Honors Society), because of one publicly-announced poor quiz grade in favor of an entirely new language of different origins, it is safe to say that I would incur some difficulty in honing the expertise needed to speak this entirely new idiom. Personally, I would rather spend a few more moments each evening studying "prefijos y sufijos" than striving toward greatness at Chuchill Downs.

Through the experimentation of various interests and abilities, especially in front of others, one can learn firsthand the Infallibilty of Embarrassment.